中学生まで 1日/100円 一般 1日/300円
This is the largest skateboarding park in the prefecture, equipped with night lighting and offering nine large and small sections to enjoy.
◆Usage fees
Up to junior high school students per day/100 yen General per day/300 yen
※No reservation is required
※Children under 3 years old cannot use the facility.
For applications to use the above facilities or any other inquiries, please contact the management office.
You can check the reservation status of this facility through the Fukuoka Prefecture Urban Park Sports Facility Usage Service.
スポーツ施設等利用サービス バーベキュー広場のご利用、炭の販売については筑後広域公園案内所
For use of the barbecue area and charcoal sales, please contact the Chikugo Regional Park Information Center:
「食材セット」のご注文は筑後船小屋 公園の宿
For orders of “ingredient sets,” please contact Chikugo Funagoya Park Inn.